On Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 you’ll usually find your files here:Ĭ:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Quake3\ In order to access this directory more easily, you can also type %APPDATA%\Quake3\ in the file explorer and hit enter This allows multiple people to play ioquake3 on the same computer with separate files per-users. On Windows, all user specific files such as autogenerated configuration, demos, videos, screenshots, and autodownloaded pk3s are now saved in a directory specific to the user who is running ioquake3. Where are my files? I’m used to them being in the Quake 3 directory!
Right click on ioquake3.x86_64.exe and create a new shortcut, old shortcuts will continue to launch the old version of the game. Download a test build extract the ioquake3 files from the zip and overwrite the ones with the same names in your /ioquake3 directory. Copy pak0.pk3 from your baseq3 folder on your Quake III: Arena CD-ROM or Steam installation to your /ioquake3/baseq3 directory. Old shortcuts to Quake 3 will continue to launch old versions of the game. Right click on ioquake3.x86_64.exe and create a new shortcut, place it on your desktop or wherever you would like. Immediately upgrade to a test build by downloading the zip file, extract the ioquake3 files from the zip and overwrite the ones with the same names in your /ioquake3 directory where you chose to install it in step 1. Install ioquake3 via the old installers. We’ve added many features and fixed too many bugs to count. Id software stopped fixing bugs, security issues, and adding features to Quake 3: Arena more than fifteen years ago. Why should I use ioquake3 instead of id software’s 1.32c?
I want to run my own Dedicated Quake 3 Game Server. Where can I find good maps to download?. What Quake 3 mods are compatible with ioquake3?. Does Punkbuster or other anti-cheat software work with ioquake3?.
Will You Remove the CD-Key Check from Quake 3?. Why can’t I run Team Arena or the Mission Pack?!. Help! Ioquake3 won’t give me an fps of X anymore when setting com_maxfps!. I can’t bring down the console with the ` or the ~!. How do I change the Field of View or FOV?. I’m getting some Sys_Error thing about a pak0.pk3, wtf?!?. I’m getting an error that says “User Interface is version 3, expected 6”. Where are my files? I’m used to them being in the Quake 3 directory!.
Why should I use ioquake3 instead of id software’s 1.32c?.